3. Starting from scratch



The following sections are only relevant for local and/or self provisioned server setup.

The divbloxPHP server-side functionality is built in php and therefore requires a php environment to be setup in order to function correctly.

  1. Download your favourite Apache/PHP/MySQL distribution (MAMP, WAMP, XAMPP etc...) and configure to use the following:

    • Latest version of Apache
    • Php 7.3 or later
    • MySQL 5.7 or later or MariaDB 10.3 or later
    • The recommended server software is MAMP for either windows or mac: https://www.mamp.info/en/
    • Ensure that you have created a database for use with your divbloxPHP project
  2. Some of the core divbloxPHP code is encoded using IonCube. To ensure that your divbloxPHP installation functions correctly, download and install the IonCube loader for Php 7.3 or later for your operating system.

    • Download here
    • Don't worry if you have some trouble installing this. The Installation checker will guide you through this process a bit later on as well.
  3. For an example of how to do this with Ubuntu 18.04, click here

Download divbloxPHP

  • You can download or fork the divbloxPHP public repo on github here: https://github.com/divblox/divblox
  • Add the downloaded content to your apache root folder. Common name are "public_html", "ht-docs", and "www"
  • Ensure that your web server is running and navigate to http://localhost/ or http://localhost/[your-project-folder] (if you placed divbloxPHP within a sub folder)
  • divbloxPHP will check your installation and, if needed, provide further guidelines on how to finish the installation
  • To open the divbloxPHP setup page, browse to http://localhost/divblox or http://localhost/[your-project-folder]/divblox, depending on your installation
  • Open the installation checker to ensure that all systems indicate an OK status. Once the installation checker indicates all is OK, you are ready to build with divbloxPHP

Installation checker

The divbloxPHP installation checker is designed to ensure that your divbloxPHP project meets all the prerequisites described above. It will also provide useful guidelines on how to solve installation related problems. The main checks performed are listed below:

  • Checks for php >= 7.3
  • Checks for mariadb >= 10.3 or mysql >= 5.7
  • Checks your IonCube loader is installed. Learn why IonCube is required in the prerequisites section

The installation checker might fail if your environments have not yet been configured properly