Native Support
divbloxPHP allows you to export your progressive web app to a native project using React Native. To export to a native project you need the following:
- Your web app needs to be deployed on a server with an ssl certificate
- You need to configure your environment for native export:
- Follow the steps in the "Export to Native" section on the divbloxPHP setup page to configure React Native and export your environment of choice
You can export a native app project for any of your configured environments. The export creates the following:
- A React Native project, from the divbloxPHP template, that acts as a wrapper for your web app
- The project already has supporting functions to communicate with your app environment's web server
- The project has a boot screen pre-installed (You can edit this for your app)
- The project has divbloxPHP icons pre-installed (You can edit these for your app)
- The project checks for internet connectivity before trying to load your web environment and shows a helpful error message when it cannot connect
- The project automatically registers a device with a permanent authentication token as a native device to ensure ease of use in terms of user authentication (Meaning, once a user logs in they will stay logged in by default)
- A workflow skeleton for initialization of push notifications and other native specific requirements is already in place
Push Notifications
divbloxPHP push notifications implement Firebase Cloud Messaging. API integration to register and send push notifications is already present in every Divblox project
Support for push notifications on the native device is provided for by an API that allows for the registration of devices and their push registration tokens. The developer needs to implement the native library of their choice to handle push notifications on the device.
In order to be able to send push notifications we need to have devices registered with push registration tokens. This data is stored in the entity "PushRegistration". A PushRegistration is device-specific, but divbloxPHP will link the PushRegistration to the relevant Account if an authentication takes place.
- To register a device's push registration token we will use this api operation:
. - You can read more about how this operation works by visiting its docs page:
Push notifications can be sent from the server using the built-in divbloxPHP Project Functions. In this example we want to send a push notification to all users with the role "Administrator":
Divblox does not implement the device-side functionality to deal with push notifications by default, because:
- There are many different flavours for frontend implementation (search npm registry for "react native push notifications"). The developer can choose the implementation of their choice
- Setting up push notifications with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) involves quite a few configuration steps for both Android and iOS. If the resulting configuration files are present in the React Native project, but not properly set up, the build process will fail
However, please see below a working example of how to implement this functionality in a freshly exported Divblox project:
Setting up the prerequisites
Open your browser and go to Google Firebase Console. Then log in using your Google account
From that page, click the "+" add project button to create a Google Firebase project
Follow the steps to create your project and then add both an Android and an iOS app. When creating your Android and iOS apps, ensure that the "Android package name" and "iOS bundle ID" matches the "Widget Id" as configured in your environment
You do not need to do the steps involving adding Firebase SDK & verification of installation for now
After all the setup is complete, you need to have downloaded the following 2 files for Android and iOS:
- google-services.json (Android)
- GoogleService-info.plist (iOS)
On the Firebase Project Overview page, ensure that your newly created project is selected and click on either the iOS or Android app to go to the project settings page
Click on Cloud Messaging. You want to now copy the Server Key into your Divblox project:
- In
update the value for "FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY_STR" to match your Server Key
- In
For iOS you will need to get an APNs Authentication Key. You can do this by following the steps provided by Apple at: Once you have the APNs key, upload it to your iOS app in Firebase
Configuring React Native
- Open
/native/[Your Environment Name]/ios/[Your Environment Name].xcworkspace
using Xcode. Ensure that the Bundle Identifier matches the "Widget Id" as configured in your environment. - Edit
/native/[Your Environment Name]/android/app/src/main/java/com/[Your Environment Name]/
, ensure the first linepackage [xxx]
ispackage [Your Widget Id]
- Edit
/native/[Your Environment Name]/android/app/src/main/java/com/[Your Environment Name]/
, ensure the first linepackage [xxx]
ispackage [Your Widget Id]
- Edit the value for "package" to match your Widget Id in
/native/[Your Environment Name]/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
and add the following after INTERNET permissions:
- In the same file, add the Firebase MESSAGING_EVENT before the closing of the
- Edit the value for "applicationId" to match your Widget Id in
/native/[Your Environment Name]/android/app/build.gradle
- Edit the value for "package" to match your Widget Id in
/native/[Your Environment Name]/android/app/BUCK
- Run this command from the android folder to clean Gradle:
- Install and configure React Native Firebase
- Copy the previously downloaded google-services.json to the
folder - Edit
and add this classpath dependency for Google Services:
- Edit
and add this line to the bottom of the file:
- Also add these lines for the Firebase implementation to the dependencies in the same file:
- Edit
/native/[Your Environment Name]/android/app/src/main/java/com/[Your Environment Name]/
and add these imports for RNFirebaseMessagingPackage and RNFirebaseNotificationsPackage
- In the same file, add those packages to the list of packages:
- At this point, the build for our Android app might fail. We solve this by Enabling Multidex.
Open the
file. Under dependencies we need to add the module, and then enable it within our defaultConfig:
- Open
/native/[Your Environment Name]/ios/[Your Environment Name].xcworkspace
using Xcode and add the previously downloaded GoogleService-Info.plist to the XCode project name by right clicking and selecting "Add Files to [Your Environment Name]" - In Xcode, enable the remote notifications by clicking on the project name in the left pane then clicking the Capabilities tab. Add Push Notifications.
- In Xcode, edit the
and add these lines:
- Also add the Pod path for RNFirebase to the app under "# Pods for [Your Environment Name]":
- Run this command from the terminal inside the
- Edit
/native/[Your Environment Name]/ios/[Your Environment Name]/AppDelegate.m
and add the imports for Firebase, React Native Firebase Notifications, and Messaging:
- At the beginning of the
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
method add these lines to initialize Firebase and RNFirebaseNotifications:
- Add a new method to receive local RNFirebaseNotifications:
- Add a new method to receive remote RNFirebaseNotifications:
- Add a new method to register with Firebase and receive the FCM token:
Handling Push Notifications in App
You can add the following code to the file divblox_react_native.js
in the root of your native project:
- Edit the function
to handle the registration correctly:
- Then simply add the following functions to the same file inside the